About Stephen Odzer

Stephen, driven by the profound impact of the ongoing global pandemic, has taken the initiative to establish the Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund. Motivated by a strong sense of compassion, this Not-For-Profit organization aims to raise funds dedicated to providing masks to those in need.

Understanding the critical role of mask-wearing, particularly in close proximity to others, the COVID Relief Fund recognizes its paramount importance in slowing down the spread of COVID-19. Supported by scientific evidence, including findings from Hopkins Medicine, it has been proven that the consistent use of masks leads to a reduction in COVID-19 cases, even over the long term. Additional details regarding this fund will be made available in the near future.

Furthermore, Odzer is pleased to announce the launch of the Stephen Odzer Scholarship Program, which seeks to empower students in achieving their dreams of pursuing higher education. Recognizing education as a fundamental catalyst for personal growth, Odzer endeavors to alleviate the financial burden that restricts students from attaining their academic aspirations. This Scholarship Program serves as a testament to his commitment to giving back to the community.

Applications are currently being accepted for the fall of 2021 through the Scholarship Program. Prospective applicants are invited to submit their application materials before the deadline of January 31, 2021. To qualify, candidates must compose a thought-provoking 500-word essay that addresses the question, “What is the most significant challenge confronting our modern society?” The winners will be carefully selected on February 5, 2021, and the fortunate students will be notified accordingly.

For more information on how to apply for The Scholarship Program, interested students can visit the official website at https://www.stephenodzerscholarship.com/

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